do awnings help reduce heat

Do Awnings Help Reduce Heat?

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When summers spike into the 90s, you’ll want to crank down the thermostat and run your cooling unit at full blast. However, there’s plenty to do around your home or office space to keep your indoor climate from heating excessively, such as turning on fans, tinting your windows, and adding retractable awnings in Orange County, CA. But how do awnings help reduce heat?

Creating a More Comfortable Indoor Climate

Window awnings resemble smaller roofs hovering above household entry points like doors and windows. They keep UV rays that otherwise directly hit your window from entering your home and heating the indoor air further. According to Green Newton, awnings bar up to 77% of heat transfer on west-facing windows with plenty of afternoon light, while south-facing awnings block up to 65%.

Choosing your materials carefully also determines how much heat and humidity enter your home. While cotton and polyester are common canvas awning fabrics, they absorb heat, retaining it right outside your window. They also absorb rain and grow mold easily, so consider synthetic polyvinyl or acrylics, as these tightly woven materials resist more sunlight and are impervious to moisture. 

Providing More Energy Efficiency

Since your HVAC unit cycles until it reaches your desired temperature setting, constant influxes of heat could keep it working longer and harder as it tries to cool your space. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, about 12% of a home’s summer utility bill comes from air conditioners alone, but awnings that reduce heat transfer can lower this number by 20%. 

You’ll have lower monthly energy bills during the summer. But do awnings help reduce heat in the winter, too? 

Awnings in the Winter

Unfortunately, awnings also bar sunlight in the winter when your home needs warming the most, meaning your furnace must work overtime to heat more, raising energy expenses. Instead of stationary awnings, consider retractable awnings that fold in when you’re not using them, meaning you can stow them safely in the winter to let the sunshine indoors. 

This option also protects your covering from lashing rain and high winds that could slit and destroy the material, prolonging its lifespan and limiting the need for repairs. 

Awning Colors Affect Heat Transfer 

Colored awnings add visual flair to your residential or commercial property. They also come in numerous design styles and patterns to suit your structure and preferences. Still, you must consider whether light or dark shades are best. While light coverings reflect light, darker ones like black absorb it, so take some time to determine which function is more vital to you and install them accordingly.

Your #1 Choice for Outdoor Upgrades!

Awnings, from traditional to motorized, whether over your windows or covering your patio, offer a designable way to cool and protect your home or outdoor space. The specialists at AAA Awnings carry all types and sizes and offer customer satisfaction on every service, including when we maintain and clean your awnings. So, call (657) 738-9632 to better understand, “Do awnings help reduce heat?

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